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Overwatch for the beginners: Let's choose a Hero

Overwatch basics for the very beginners

In Overwatch, newbies often make trivial mistakes, but do not noticing them until someone pays attention to them and tells you what went wrong.

No matter how much the game looks like everyone's favorite CS or Battlefield, almost all the characters shoot (except Reinhardt), but it’s still worth remembering that this is an independent game with its own features and features. And each of these features becomes available only after choosing a hero.

Classes in Overwatch

All heroes are divided into 3 classes: heroes of attack, tanks and support. In turn, the heroes of the attack are DPS heroes (those who do a lot of damage). Tanks and supports are engaged in the protection of DPS. True, there is a small reservation. Depending on the chosen hero, the player’s task changes. For example, Winston is taken to quickly break into the rear of the enemy with the rapid removal of the support of the enemy, and Symmetra does not have the ability to heal.


Tanks, in turn, I divided into 2 types. Mobile tanks and static. Mobile tanks are engaged in frequent fast bursts into the crowd, bringing in DPS and sowing panic. But static tanks are engaged in more defense of allies in the region, although just like mobile ones can fly into the crowd, only in this case they have lower chances of survival. The best heroes that used in Overwatch Boosting are:

  • Genji;
  • Zarya;
  • Roadhog;
  • Tracer;
  • Widowmaker.

Team compositions

The standard variant of the pick is 2-2-2, that is, two tanks, two support and two DPS, although there are other schemes that have the right to exist, but they are often not balanced and require the choice of a particular hero. For example, 1-3-2 or 2-3-1. Even 3-1-2 can be done in some cases, but it comes so rarely that I have never seen a normal game with such a peak.

If the pick is 1-3-2, then the tank must be static. Only such a tank will be able to protect its team. The counter-reference of this scheme is 2-3-1. With such a peak, 2 tanks share all the damage among themselves, and 3 dds from the back of their tanks bring their damage to the only enemy tank, it does not stand up, dies and you can break through further by killing other thin heroes.

Scheme 2-3-1, in turn, will counter scheme 2-2-2, where one triple (static tank + dd + heal in case of breakage of its shield) works on the enemy’s shields, and the second three (mobile tank + mobile dd + heal). In this case, part of the damage is transferred from the first three to the second three, which in turn will cut out thin opponents. The same scheme 2-3-1 is countered by the same 2-3-1 scheme, only in this case, the first three work not tank + DPS + heal, but tank + 2 DPS. You could learn more about team composition in Overwatch.

Best Tanks in Overwatch

The role of a static tank is often played by Reinhardt, who trivially sets up a shield and simply blocks damage from the enemy, while the Allied DPS do damage. But for the role of a mobile tank, you need to choose a hero that will fit the map and the enemy's pick. As such a tank, I really like D.VA with its ability to fly into the back, hit on everyone and, turning on her shield, either escape or absorb almost any amount of damage.

In defense, at short distances, you can take Roadhog. He is a good flanker. Those. if he goes to the side or back, gives his abilities (a hook, with a shotgun in the head + a punch), then he will take almost any character, except for another tank. Here, however, there is one big "but". If you draw a character to yourself, on which the heal hangs, then most likely you will not be able to kill him instantly, but you can always finish it with an alternative headshot.

At the peak of the mobile tank are many options. But the static tank in fact one, and this is Reinhardt. Although Orisa also belongs to a static tank, but her shield is removed very quickly. And if you penetrate behind her shield (for those who do not know, her shield is placed on the ground and cannot be moved), then in most cases she dies. Although the hero is new and has not yet learned to play on it and did not find her a place in the pick even on the pro stage among equal teams.

Best DPS in Overwatch

Usually, there is always a place for the hero of Soldier-76 in the team composition. A fast moving character with a pretty strong ultimate against subtle opponents. Does a lot of damage in the middle and close range. Although some magicians annihilate enemies even at long distances, but still you must soberly assess their capabilities.

Sometimes heroes such as Torbjorn and Bastion help the defense. Both do a lot of damage and are both very vulnerable to ranged heroes such as Pharah, Widowmaker, and even Hanzo. They all have the opportunity to do so much damage that these two heroes die extremely quickly.

With a low level of shooting, it's not worth taking McCree, Tracer, and Sombra. If McCree does a lot of damage, but has a very low rate of fire, then Sombra and Tracer have a high rate of fire and little damage. As a result, you need to shoot only in the head and only at close distances. Because of this, the first hero with each mistake is getting worse and worse for the team, and the last two - very often die and do not cause damage. They are usually taken as the third DPS in the 2-3-1 scheme in order to work from the back of the opponent.

The Reaper is very good and, most importantly, quickly cut out tanks, but only at close range. So, if small rooms, such as the third part of the Eichenwald map, the enemy consists mainly of tanks and those who cannot quickly do a lot of damage - then the Reaper might help.

Genji - the most unpleasant character for supports and snipers. He can quickly and accurately cut them and run. But this character is not very simple. You need to train a lot on him and it’s not a fact that you will quickly learn how to play on him. And he fits not against every pick.

Junkrat is taken for demospam. Because of the long flight of the projectile, which flies in a canopy, and not in a straight line, it is almost useless. But, nevertheless, sometimes it is useful to simply spam the enemy, discard it from the load or throw a trap in time to catch some kind of mobile hero and take it out while he is standing in the roots.

Mei is considered one of the most useless characters. Although in some picks she looks quite well. And all because of the fact that for freezing, and accordingly for the accumulation of ults, she needs to come close to the enemy. And that means she will be torn apart very quickly.

Best Supports in Overwatch

Symmetra. She is not on the list of DPS, although she does a lot of damage, but because she needs to come close to her opponent, she can be quickly killed. At least one on one she can kill, you can not replace it with a full dd. But nevertheless she is useful thanks to the teleport and turrets. It is very nice to return to the battlefield almost immediately after a respawn, and finish your job. In the game with the Symmetra scheme must be x-x-2, not x-x-3.

Zenyatta He puts up a debuff on the increase in damage to the enemy, has a lot of his damage. Able to heal. True, he has a weak healer compared to other healers. It is usually taken for the sake of debuff and ultimate, during which the allies become almost immortal.

Ana is one of the top supports at high levels and the most useless at low levels. And all due to the fact that for heal she needs to get from her rifle to the allies. And if someone shields him (whether it is an ally or an adversary), then Ana will not be able to help. If you just throw, the so-called "grenade", but it will not allow him to cure completely. It has a useful ability “Sleep”, but it is not valued at low levels, because instead of continuing to fight 5 by 6, everyone starts shooting at the sleeper, causing him damage, from which he wakes up and the fight continues 6 by 6.


Ana's Ultimate in inctredibly very strong. It increases outgoing damage and decreases incoming damage to the nanoboosted hero. Often players combine ultimates with Ana. Although sometimes they give to tanks that can quickly and efficiently endure everyone they see.